Monday, August 27, 2007

Day of Rest and Whatever

Yes, we did have a "down day" on Sunday. I told the girls that I had to go to the Dollar General Store that I had seen on Saturday as we were coming back to the motorhomes. I was completely out of cinnamon mentos and that is not a good thing. Noah calls them "the cinnamon things" so I knew I had to have a supply and you an get them at Dollar General cheaper than anywhere else. Larry says I will go down in history as the grandmother with the "cinnamon things" and the funky earrings. The grandchildren are always checking out my ears. After that we checked out the local K Mart , which was a really nice store, got some groceries and came back and RESTED. Most of us took short naps, some rode bicycles, laundry and then we finally finished Phase 10 and learned a new game called "Oh Hell" and trust me it is named correctly.
No much else exciting happened and now we head on south to Ludington and on to Holland on Tuesday. I will try and get some more pictures on soon.

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