Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year to ALL

After having another great visit with Larry and MaryJane we are back on the road.

We are in the small town of Schulengurg Texas. It is know as the Home of the Painted Churches. Schulenburg's German/Czech heritage began in 1873. We are traveling on some two lane roads and enjoying the Texas countryside.

We will be in Harlingen tomorrow and I think both of us are looking forward to setting up and staying up for a while. We will let you know what knew things we find to do in "The Valley" this year.

Happy New Year to all,

Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Gifts

I forgot to mention that Larry was given a new shirt and cap for Christmas that has the logo of The Big" A" Bus on it with the saying of driving Miss Daisy. I have the shirt and cap that say "Miss Daisy.

When people ask him what he has been doing he always says driving Miss Daisy so our friend Jackie fixed him up with the proper clothes.

Updates and New Travels of the BIG "A" BUS

I never got around to the December Williamsburg trip but we did go there on Thursday Nov 30th and stayed until Monday Dec 5th. We did have a good time with the FMCA Group, The Dogwoods, which we joined in June. Janice Parsons, Donna Tolson and myself did a LOT of shopping at the Outlet Mall on Friday and Saturday. Of course the men stayed at the campground and tried to solve all the problems of Janice and Ralph having a NEW Coach. I think they were able to find the solution to a FEW.

Friday , December 21 The BIG A BUS headed to Indianapolis Indiana to spend Christmas with Ally, Doug, Noah, Kate and Bella. We had a good trip and a wonderful time. The children of course had a great Christmas even though Kate was not feeling well. We had a great Christmas Eve,attending a church service in the late afternoon and then a great meal with Doug's Mother, Brother Dan and his family and his wife Mothers, Gay . Christmas morning was great and we stayed in our "PJ's" all day just playing with the children and making room for more things.

Thursday morning, Dec. 27th the Big A Bus headed out for Texas. We stayed in Jackson, Tennessee in a Sams Club parking lot that night and now we are in Texarkana, Texas for the night. We will be going to Arlington Texas tomorrow to visit old friends, MaryJane and Larry Phillips until Monday and then heading further south to "the Valley", Harlingen, Texas for 2 months. Friends from Missouri will join us the second week of January and the Mathenys will join us in February. The first of March we will be going with them to Louisana to do a Habitat for Humanity build.

Enjoy keeping up with us. MEM