Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Well, a lot has been happening since I last posted on the Blog.  I will start with the Rally in Williamsburg, Virginia with the Discovery Club.
What a wonderful time was had by all.   We had 14 rigs consisting of 28 people to keep straight and that is a job within itself.  We arrived on Friday, Sept. 30 to find that a couple of rigs had already arrived and our son was on his way from Virginia Beach and asked if Mom could feed him lunch which of course I can always do.  Some other friends from Florida, Nan and Jim Cooper were in the area so they joined our Happy Hour and then several of us went out for dinner. 
Saturday found Larry, myself and Donna and Chuck Tolson heading out to finish purchasing the food for the week and scouting out places to get pizza delivery for the last night and a Hardees for breakfast stuff.
Everyone enjoyed visiting, Jamestown, Colonial Williamsburg, Yorktown and anything else they could find of interest. Of course the ladies also found time to do some shopping at the Outlet Mall.
Friday morning everyone started out on their next destination.Larry and I got home about noon and started the process of unpacking.

Now I have not been feeling "up to par" for about a month but just kept pushing myself to get things done.    Well on Tuesday morning of this week my body decided that it was time to tell me it was ready for a break.  Can't really describe how I felt except "Weird".  To make a long story short I spent from Tuesday about 1:30 pm until Thursday at 10 pm in the Hospital in Fredericksburg, Va.  I have been poked, prodded, tested and re tested but at least we got some answers.  Had a cat scan, ultra sound and a  heart cath.   Thankfully everything with the heart, lung, liver, pancreas came back ok but I do have gallstones which was the culprit of all the pain and the extremely high BP   198/89 when I got to the ER.   Guess all that good southern food from my childhood and later years is telling me something,

I am feeling okay but am watching carefully what I am eating and will know what works and what doesnt.  We were suppose to go to Harrisonburg Va to the Va. State Good Sam Samboree, which by the way is where we were last year when Larry had to go to the hospital, and we did.  I knew Lar need to be here and wanted to come so Friday morning he packed the MH and we are here.  I could not lift things or bend over but I figure I will get more rest here than at home because there I would think of having to do laundry and other things. Here I can just read, relax and rest.   We will go home tomorrow  and hopefully get back to somewhat of our routine next week.

This is our last trip out in the MH for this year as far as we know.  We will go to Indianapolis for Christmas but drive the car and then come back to Virginia until Jan. when we need to head to Georgia for a wedding then on to Florida for a while and then Louisana to do some Habitat work.
