Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June 15, 2011 Where did the time go ???

As I sit here updating the Blog I am wondering where did May 24 until now go?  Well if I really stop and think about it these are the things that happened during that time.  First the 2 day travel to Indy, Kate's kindergarten graduation, washing all the front porch, back porch and patio furniture, planting 5 flats of flowers, cooking and filling up the freezer with food for them after we leave, painting back porch table and chairs, putting bird feeder pole back up, unstopping 3 drains that were running slow, hanging a cabinet in the garage, remounting a cabinet in the garage,   putting an addition  on to Noah's tree house, painting 2 Adirondack chairs, working with Ally on the third floor sorting thru boxes, getting car seats and cradle ready  for the new baby which was born on June 8th.  Sophia Chambers Hedrick is beautiful and we are happy that she is here and doing well.
Is anyone  wondering why Larry and I are exhausted?  
I am going to try and post some pictures now.
We left Indy on Sunday afternoon and arrived back in Virginia on Monday around 1:30 pm.  Of course we have not stopped since as the flower beds were full of weeds and so was the garden.
 Sophia Chambers Hedrick
Bella  taking a nap in motorhome
 Kate at her dance recital

The tree house addition
We are going with our camping club this weekend so maybe we will have a little relaxing time.

1 comment: said...

I guess you've been busy! The kids are beautiful!