Saturday, January 15, 2011

Week 2 Jan 15, 2011

Well, we started out the week with a foundation for a house and by the end of the week we had walls, roof trusses and started a layout for another house. We also had a group of young people from Illinois Math and Science Academy and we had a great time working with and teaching them. It is so good to see young people giving up their winter or spring break to work Habitat.
Larry has done FAIR working. I think he is disappointed with himself that he hasn't been able to do what he did last year but none of us can however he is still adjusting to the new medication he is on for asthma.
Today was a rest day and tomorrow we are going to church with our friend Erma who lives here in one of the first Habitat houses. We usually go as a group with her at least once a year.
We just finished watching the Pittsburgh/Baltimore football and are pleased to say that the Steelers won. One step closer to the AFC championship. Now we have to see who wins tomorrow, the Jets or the Patriots .Now we are going to watch Green Bay as several of our friends here are Packer fans.
Monday we will not work so we get to go to Webster, Fl to one of the largest Flea Markets in Florida. We try to go at least once a year. Larry always needs new caps and they have bargains there.
Until next week.

1 comment:

Glenda in Florida said...

Hi Mem--just wanted to say that it was nice meeting you today. Notice how fast I left when the clean up work started? I needed to run home and do quilty stuff!