Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Starting of the ODC camping season

Our first campout of the 2010 Season was held at Virginia Beach, Virginia. Larry and I went down on Thursday with Linda and Jim Matheny. Had not seen them since Dec. 2009 so it was nice to sit and catch up on our winter travels. Friday morning we decided to do a bike ride to the beach. We rode down to the Boardwalk, had lunch, and returned to the campground to have a nap. It was 8 miles round trip. Some of the group was arriving after we had our nap and then we got together for a "happy hour" around 4:30 pm. Saturday we had a wonderful breakfast with the group and did another bike ride. This time it was 10 miles round trip. We did take time out for a lunch break at the beach. Most of the group left on sunday but 4 couples stayed over until Monday morning. We all had dinner together and enjoyed talking about future trips and past trips. The next outing will be in May at the Virginia State Samboree in Urbanna, Va.


thatchristine.blogspot.com said...

It sounds as if you are having a wonderful trip.

ducktails said...

glad to see that you are now on the road again...good for you...sure don't want any grass to grow under you feet ahhaa...we are now in south dakota...