Monday after spending Sunday in Wasilla, Ak we got up VERY early and headed on down to the Russian River Ferry area so that Linda and Larry could get into the salmon fishing.
We arrived about 10 am and those two were in the river before noon. Now I had tried my best to get Larry to buy some waders before we left Virginia but he would have not part of it. Jim had a pair to loan him but they were a little short and his feet were killing him. One day the man will listen to me. No fish that day but on Tuesday we took a little side trip and got him a pair of hip waders and he went back to fish. We decided to stay another day so that they would have another chance at the fish. Well, on Wednesday both of them had luck. Larry got 2 salmon and Linda got a rainbow trout. Both were extremely happy.
We had company come to visit on Tuesday night. I had been chatting on FB with a friend , Connie Boss from Georgia and she told me of friends of hers who were in the area so we got in contact with them and actually got to meet them. Becky & Terry West from Albany and Janet and Steve Gay from Ohio
I cooked for us while they enjoyed the fishing and I also got the gifts I have bought organized plus packed away a lot of clothes that I am not wearing and will not wear for a while.
Thursday we moved on down to Homer Ak and got set up in our campground. It is so pretty down here on the water and the mountains in the back ground.
Since Alaska is 4 hours behind Virginia in time zones I was able to be the first one to wish our son a Happy Birthday on the 4th of July. I texted him at 8pm Alaska time.
Friday morning I was up at 4:30 am getting ready to go Halibut fishing. We had bought tickets for a charter fishing trip that left the dock at 7am. We had a wonderful day it was. I had never been out fishing like that as when we lived in Michigan and fished on Lake Michigan I always seemed to get to be the boat driver.
We each, that is Linda, Larry, Me and Jim caught 2 Halibut each. You have to catch one under 29 inches and the other can be as large as whatever. I had a BALL. I got my largest first and then I had to keep throwing back the big ones and try for a smaller. Finally one of the deck hands helped me and I got my second fish. We got back around noon, put fish in freezer, rested and then cooked some for dinner. Oh my goodness how GOOD that was.
Saturday was a day to just get things done in the motorhome such as cleaning. Then we just relaxed, went for a walk on the beach , visited with our neighbors and then went to bed.
Sunday is just another day of relaxing and tomorrow we head back towards Anchorage with a couple of days stop in the Skilak Lake Area where Jeff and Sharon Lawrence our friends from Virginia have a summer cabin on Caribou Island. We hope that the second run of salmon is coming into their lake so we can catch a few more. They lived here for 30 years and moved to the lower 48 about 3 years ago. We actually met them thru Habitat for Humanity in Florida.

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