Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday March 4, 2014

 my what a nasty day!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is "Fat Tuesday" in the Mardi Gras Season and we were planning on a big parade today but the weather proved otherwise.   When we woke up this morning it was 37 degrees and raining.   I have NOT been out of the motorhome at all.

After leaving the Gulf Shores area we traveled over to Robert La. to a Yogi Bear Campground and reconnected with our friends Kim and Mike McNabb that we met last year while at Poches Fish Camp in the Lafayette area.   We had a nice time with them and went to eat at a local restaurant called "Cooter Browns ".   Now I have heard the expression all my life about being drunker than Cooter Brown and have probably been that way a few times in my 69 years but never ate at his restaurant.  Had a wonderful shrimp po'boy. Kim brought Larry some farm fresh eggs of all colors.  She has lots of different chickens that lay colored eggs.

On Friday we traveled over to Abita Springs to go to the Beer Brewery.   What a fun afternoon.   Abita is brewed here in Louisiana and it done in lots of different flavors.

Saturday we traveled on to Thibodaux La where we will be for 3 weeks in the ghetto campground.   Trust me when I say ghetto IT IS !!!!!!!!!.   There isn't much to choose from in this area and since there are more than one of us we feel somewhat safe.
We are working for Habitat with a group of college students from Illinois this week and will have two more groups in the next two weeks.  It is nice to have them be here to do the heavy work.

Our Care A Vanner group will arrive on Saturday and Sunday.   Jeff and Sharon Lawrence are here with so already and Maria Small and Baker Bill ( not sure his last name).   Bill has a commercial oven in his unit and loves to bake bread, thus the name.

I will send some pictures later.

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