Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Back on the Road 10-13-10

It is time for the Big A Bus to get back on the road.
We just got back home on Monday pm after being in Indianapolis for about 5 days. The week before that I had been at Bry and Julie's house with Taylor and Madie while B&J went to Hawaii.
We left home this morning heading to Harrisonburg, Va. for the Virginia State Samboree at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds. We should have about 155 rigs before Friday night. Unfortunately it is suppose to rain tonight and allday Thursday which should be just wonderful for us on the parking crew.
Saturday morning Lar and I will be leaving along with Linda and Jim Matheny heading to LeNoir NC to do a 2 week Habitat for Humanity Build.
We will keep you informed about our travels.

1 comment: said...

Welcome back to blog land. We have missed you!