The bus has been in the barn since we came back from the beach in August. This past weekend 9-24-10 we did go with our camping group to Luray, Va. It was hot as it has been all summer but did cool off a little at night. We had 10 rigs and had lots of good food as usual. We came back on Sunday afternoon and yesterday I got my things in order and came up to Bry and Julie's to stay with their girls until next Monday. Bryant had a business trip to Hawaii and he took Julie with him. They left this morning around 4:30 so as you can imagine I have not been back to sleep as we had to get Madie to school and now that Taylor is driving she gets herself up and out the door. Julie called and they were in Atlanta and should be leaving there shortly .
This is Homecoming Week at school for Taylor, who is on the Dance Team , so she will be busy with activities after school. Friday night is a football game and Saturday is a Dance. Larry is coming up on Friday afternoon to spend the weekend with us and then go home on Sunday afternoon to get things in order for us to go to Indy on Wednesday. We will be there until Monday (11th), come back to Va. and then head to the Virginia State Samboree on Wednesday and then on to LeNoir NC on Saturday to do a 2 week Habitat Build. After that we have a trip to Georgia planned for November 15th, back to Indy for Thanksgiving , back to Virginia until after Christmas and then to Florida for more building. Yes, I know, we never STOP but that is what keeps us going.
I wil
1 comment:
maybe you ought to go full time ...tracy
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