Java Cafe where we had coffee and they were enjoying "a joint"
On Tuesday morning the conditions were just right for the launching of the balloons and I got up early enough to see the Dawn Patrol( the one balloon that goes up to check conditions) go up. After a great show from the balloons we then headed out for a day trip to Santa Fe by way of Madrid, where the movie Wild Hogs was filmed. This is a small town left over from the hippie days and they still smoke pot right out in public.
On to Santa Fe for lunch and then a trip to the Loretto Chapel which was built in 1873, to see the miraculous staircase. Seems the nuns prayed to Joseph, the carpenter saint, for someone to build them a staircase up to the choir loft and suddenly a gentleman showed up, built the staircase, then disappeared without so much as a word.
Then we checked out the street vendors and some of the group bought some jewelry and others did not.
Today, we woke up to rain, thunder and lightening so our trip to Ole Town was cancelled. After the weather improved Betty Raymond and I went to Ole Town anyway and then came back and decided to get our nails done. Larry spent most of the days napping and catching up on TV programs he had recorded on the DVR so we both had a good day. Went to dinner with the group and now are getting ready for bed so we can go over very very early to be on the field when the balloons start to go up, that is if the weather cooperates.
Pictures when we get wi-fi again.
On to Santa Fe for lunch and then a trip to the Loretto Chapel which was built in 1873, to see the miraculous staircase. Seems the nuns prayed to Joseph, the carpenter saint, for someone to build them a staircase up to the choir loft and suddenly a gentleman showed up, built the staircase, then disappeared without so much as a word.
Then we checked out the street vendors and some of the group bought some jewelry and others did not.
Today, we woke up to rain, thunder and lightening so our trip to Ole Town was cancelled. After the weather improved Betty Raymond and I went to Ole Town anyway and then came back and decided to get our nails done. Larry spent most of the days napping and catching up on TV programs he had recorded on the DVR so we both had a good day. Went to dinner with the group and now are getting ready for bed so we can go over very very early to be on the field when the balloons start to go up, that is if the weather cooperates.
Pictures when we get wi-fi again.
my larry uncle went to the church with the skpiral staircase and look at it then came home and has built several from memory...sure is interesting and does it shinie with polish...T
on the news this morning another balloon at the festival took a scary ride..broke someone chimmney and had 6 people in it and they bounced along the one are you guys going to take a balloon ride before it is over??? if so make sure the wind isn't too strong...sure was some pretty ones in all shapes and sizes...T
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