The Big A Bus is ready to go again. The Tolsons and Parsons arrived at Camp Halstead on Sunday afternoon 10/5 and after getting the rigs in their places for the overnight we visited a little and then Larry adjourned to the "barn" with all the fixings for our fish dinner. He and I had gone down to our pond on Friday and caught 15 large bluegills or bream as some people call them. We also cooked fried green tomatoes, french fries and hushpuppies. What a feast. Janice made a great coleslaw and Donna brought the BEST lemon bars. You always need something lemon with fish. After dinner everyone settled in for the night so we could get an early (9 am) start on Monday heading south. We drove to Bristol, Virginia and stayed in a small campground. Chuck had called and they were to keep 3 places for us but the owner got sick and when we arrived there was only one large site so we gave that one to Parsons and we doubled up on other lots with smaller rigs. It worked for one night.
Tuesday we had a very good breakfast at a local restaurant and then started out for Cumberland Gap. Chuck had mapped out this route and it was beautiful wiht some color lots of curves and narrow bridges but we did just fine. We stopped at an overlook telling about the history ofthat area of Southwest Virginia . On to Cumberland Gap Kentucy. We stopped at the visitors center and watched a couple of films about the locating of the Gap and the people that came through.
We took a drive in the car up to Pinnacle Point where you can see, Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky.
Later we arrive at the Wal Mart in Middlesboro Kentucky and set up for the night. Donna and I went in to the store to purchase our supplies for this week and while there I got a phone call from my cousin Alicia and her husband. Ed who were on their way home from a 6 weeks trip to Minnesota and other places and they came by and stayed the night with us in the Wal Mart. Small world.
We are now in Renfro Valley Kentucky with the Discovery International Club and will be taking in lots of music, museums and craft shows.
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