Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last day of 2013

Well here it is the last day of 2013 and we will be moving in 2014 and seeing what is in store for us.
We had a long but safe trip to Indianapolis for Christmas.   Of course we had four very excited grandchildren.   We enjoyed being with all of Ally's family and especially the Christmas Eve service at Grace Community.
Christmas morning was very busy with all the opening of gifts and the kids being surprised with what Santa brought them.
We had a very enjoyable day of just staying in our PJ's and eating and playing with the new toys and electronics.
Thursday Doug took the 3 older kids out to spend their gift cards or money and they seemed to have a good time.  Larry, Ally and I did some more cooking which is our therapy and Sophia just played and enjoyed the attention with no competition. We made the famous sour cream cut out cookies and then had a decorating party after dinner.
Friday we packed up and headed south for about 143 miles.   Stopped overnight at Grandma's RV  Park in Louisville, Ky and had a nice visit with our friends Judy and John Switalski from Mason Mi. They had been to Tennessee to visit their son and were on the way home and we planned together.   It was fun catching up since we had not seen them in about 2 years., 
Saturday we headed on further south and into the RAIN.   We drove to Troy Alabama to a very nice RV  Park, and the nicest people in the world.   We had called ahead  and when we arrive they were worried about us but we had just taken our time as it was not nice to drive in ALL that RAIN.
Sunday morning we had a very short drive on to Bainbridge to the "Newberry RV Park", which is my cousins yard,   However it was very wet and we thought the bus was going to get stuck.  Larry was trying to back into the spot we park and it started spinning and digging into the dirt.  I thought oh no might have to call Good Sam for some help but he managed to move it and get on some what drier dirt.  
Monday was a cleanup day of the car and the bus and of course a visit to the cementery to our family plots.
We will be here for about a week as we are having another Cousins Reunion this weekend and are looking forward to seeing everyone again.
On to Florida after that for about a week of fun before we start the Habitat building.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Where did the year go??? December 20,2013

Well I did not realize how long it had been since I posted on the Blog.
After returning from South Carolina in September we had a campout with the ODC camping chapter, made a trip to Indianapolis in November to be with Kate on her birthday and helped out with a very BUSY week of activities with the Hedrick family. 
Back to Virginia and had Thanksgiving with Bryant and his family and other extended family of the SHMC group.
We have moved everything out of the house into the shop and are getting ready to rent/lease the house so that we can just travel.   We have had it for sale and due to the economy things have not been moving along like we would like.  
We plan to leave Virginia on Sunday and travel to Indianapolis for Christmas and then on SOUTH.    We will spend some time in Bainbridge, Ga. with family and then on to Dade City, Florida to do a month of building with Habitat.   After that we have about 3 weeks before we head to Louisana to do another build.    After that we will head back to Georgia to help with the 3rd Newberry wedding.    I am glad Carolyn and Keith only had 3 kids.    Only teasing, we have enjoyed helping with the other 2 and I am sure this one will be just as much fun. 
We plan to return to Virginia in April for about 5 weeks and then will be heading out with another couple to Alaska in our motorhomes.    We are really excited about this trip of a lifetime.  Jim and Linda have been before so they will be great tour guides.
I will try and keep up with this Blog in the future.
