Monday, June 17, 2013

Catching up Again 6-17-2013

Somehow I always manage to stay behind on this blog but here we go trying to catch up.  
We left Indy on Wednesday May 29th heading to Uniontown, Ohio to visit a high school friend, Judy McGuire Parish.   The trip was uneventful other than lots of truck traffic but we are use to that now.   We arrived at her place around 4:30, got parked in her driveway and settled in to visit.   Her daughter and son in law came over and we had a cookout that evening and just talked and talked.   Imagine that !!!!
Thursday we decided to go and check out the Football Hall of Fame in Canton Ohio which is not far from Judy's house.   It was very interesting and since we have been Pittsburgh Steeler Fans since the 70's we enjoyed seeing all the things about that team and many others.
After a nice lunch of pizza we returned and just talked more.  Friday morning we left and headed back to Virginia with a lunch stop in Mineral Wells West Virginia, with Don and Kathy Wise, who are Directors of the WV Good Sams.  We always enjoy Kathy and Don.   Stopped overnight at a Wal Mart in Lewisburg WV and then got home on Saturday afternoon to the noise of the cicadas   which were not out when we left.   Oh what a NOISE.
The next Thursday we moved up to Stafford to our friends Jim and Linda Matheny's to help with a wedding.   It is so nice to just go up there with the motorhome and set up home.  It started raining on Thursday night around 7 pm which was the results of a tropical storm coming up the east coast and believe me it rained. I think total rainfall was about 6 inches over the course of the storm.  On Friday we spent the entire day padding around in the rain to do doctors appointments for Larry.   We left the MH at 10:15 am and arrived back around 5:30 pm., then Larry cooked steaks and chicken for about 16 family members of Linda's for a little dinner before the wedding the next day.    Donnie and Yvonne got married on Saturday morning with just family  and then around 1 pm had a reception for friends and family. We had helped with all the setting up of tables, decorations, and then with the "party". Fortunately the rain stopped around noon and the sun came out and it was nice for the afternoon.
Later we attended another party for the son of other friends , who had graduated from high school the night before. 
Sunday we spent the afternoon with Bryant and family and then got more rain. We were worried about getting back home due to the fact that an area by our house always floods over the road when there is lots of rain, sure enough there was some water over a little part of the road but we got through it. 
Most of the week was spent getting ready to have a garage sale in another week or so and yesterday being Fathers Day we spent it with Bry and family.
We are going camping this weekend with our ODC Group over in the Charlottesville area.  
The property is on the market and at the present time we are just living in the motorhome hoping not to move back in the house.