We have had a another wonderful 3 days in Colorado. I think that most of you know that Saturday was the "down day" to do laundry, clean and rest. We did go 'Uptown" Silverton for a little lunch, which consisted of halfing a sandwich so that we could have peach cobbler.
I took some of the jewerly that Charlotte Amaya had brought me from Arizonia lots of years ago and was blown away at the value of it. Needless to say now I am afraid to wear it for fear of losing it but I am going to wear it anyway.
Sunday we drove into Durango with 3 other couples to catch the train back to Silverton. It is the old fashion steam train that Larry told Noah was 125 years old. Noah said, Papa that is older than you. What beautiful views we had from that train. There is just no way to describe to you what this State of Colorado looks like.After we arrived back in Silverton, Pete drove the guys back to Durango to pickup the two cars we left over there.
Monday found us traveling on to Cortez Colorado including a stop at Wal Mart. This is the last one we will hit before arrive at the Balloon Festival.
Arrived at the campground, got settled and just visited outside with each other since the weather here was great for sitting outside.
Larry is now installing a CB Radio for the Coopers .
Tomorrow Larry and I are going to 4 Corners so we can say we have been there and I think then we might try and hit Mesa Verde National Park for a while.

Coming in to Cortez, Colorado

Leaving Silverton
View from train

View from Train

Engine of our train

Getting ready for train ride from Durango to Silverton 9-27-09