Aren't retired people suppose to rest sometime? Well guess what we have not stopped since we arrived in Naples. Wednesday was an experience. We left for a day of looking for alligators. We went into the Big Cypress Preserve and drove down the "loop road" for about 23 miles. Now the loop road is gravel, somewhat one lane with water on both sides sometimes and plenty of Gators. Some were little, medium, big and LARGE. They were swimming, sunning on logs, on the side of the road , in the road actually wherever they wanted to be. We stayed in the car most of time and made sure when we got out that there was nothing close to us. We had never seen them in their natural habitat so it really was quite amazing. We saw one come out of the water and back up on the bank like he was parallel parking. We saw singles, groups of 2, 3, 4 and 7 and some very small babies. After that we ATE again at Cracklin Jacks which is family style with "vittles", that being, greens, mac and cheese, beans, cole slaw, corn bread mashed potatoes, gravy and fried chicken.
Thursday was a shopping day at Bealls, clothing store, and then on to The Best of Everything, which is jewelry of most any kind.
Friday found the Tolsons and us heading to Ft. Myers to the Flea Market and we stayed all day. Actually the guys saw Denny and Betty Raymond but Donna and I were in a shoe store and missed seeing them.Later we stopped by Cypress Woods to see the Newtons, Discovery Club members, and then on to Sweet Tomatoes to eat yet again.
Now it is time to relax and get some sleep.