We had a great couple of days for traveling back to Virginia. No wind or rain just sunny skies.
Got home around 2:30 pm Monday and then the fun started with unloading and putting things away.
Larry always says it takes me weeks to pack but I have to unpack the minute we get home.
The Big A Bus is parked until around the 3 or 4th of January 2010 and then we head to Dade City Florida to do Habitat for Humanity work.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Arriving in Indianapolis and trip back to Virginia
Birthday girl
Not having much luck with loading other pictures so these will have to do for now.
We arrived in Indy on Wednesday afternoon and had a short visit with the kids, Ally and Doug, then they had their Wednesday night Bible classes so we just waited for them to get home and helped with bedtime.
Thursday morning it was school for Noah and Kate so Bella stayed with us while Mommy took then to school. We wished Ally a very Happy Birthday and then she, Bella and I went to do some errands and have lunch out. Papa did some errands for her and also washed our NASTY car. After picking up the other two kids we came home and got ready to go out and celebrate Ally's 40th birthday with friends at a Japanese Restaurant which was great fun and the kids had a great time. Kate was just mesmerized by the Chef and of course he thought she was a doll and flirted with her. All three of them did a great job at dinner. Afterwards we went home to have cake and ice cream with some of the neighbors. Friday Ally and I were treated to a day at the Spa for a massage and we really enjoyed that, then Doug, Larry, Ally and I went out to dinner at the Melting Pot for fondue which was very good and we enjoyed the "adult time". Saturday was of course busy with carving pumpkins and the annual neighbor hood dinner before the kids went Trick or Treating. Everyone seemed to have fun and got lots of candy. Noah and Kate slept in the motorhome with us last night and I am sure this is the last time we will pull that off without Bella.
Today, Sunday, finds us on the road heading to Virginia.
More later on the Travels of the Big "A" Bus.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday 10-26-09 and Tuesday 10-27-09
We spent the night in West Memphis Arkansas last night right on the Mississippi River. What a great sight watching the barges go up and down the river. We got in there about 3 pm and just had a very relaxing afternoon and evening. It started raining during the night and today we have traveled in the rain all day arriving in Effingham Illinois around 4:30 pm. We did a quick stop at Wal Mart for some supplies and then came into a little campground for the night. Wal Mart is okay for a night but not very quiet so we decided to get a good nights rest before arriving in Indy tomorrow with 3 little ones wanting our attention. We are excited about seeing them again and celebrating Ally's 40th birthday on Thursday. Hard to believe our baby is going to be 40 years old. What does that make us? Would that be OLD??????
Hope all of you who are reading this Blog are enjoying it as much as we are sharing it with you. Will post some Halloween pictures of the children when they are in their costumes.
Hope all of you who are reading this Blog are enjoying it as much as we are sharing it with you. Will post some Halloween pictures of the children when they are in their costumes.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
One the Road Again 10-25-09
First of all Happy Birthday to our son in law Doug today.
The Big A Bus is back on the road heading to Indiana after a two day stop in Boerne, Tx, outside of San Antonio and then on to Arlington Texas to visit longtime friends Larry and Mary Jane Phillips.
We had some down time in Boerne since we had done the RiverWalk and The Alamo in San Antonio. I finally got my pizza craving satisfied at lunch on Wednesday. We had a nice barbeque dinner with the Discovery group on Wednesday night and said our "goodbyes" as we were splitting off to go to Arlington and they were going on to finish the Waltzing thru TexasRally. We had already done the last part of the trip so we chose to visit the Phillips. Had a great time but left there around 1pm today and came to Texarkana Arkansas for the night. We will put somemore miles behind us tomorrow and arrive in Indianapolis on Wednesday to help celebrate Ally's 40th on Thursday. Larry and Mary Jane had their grandson, Ryan, about 22 months old, for the weekend so we helped be grandparents. Larry and MJ had tickets for the Cowboys game and wanted to get 2 more so we could go but we chose to pass. Now if it had been they were playing the Steelers I WOULD have stayed.
Will add more later.
The Big A Bus is back on the road heading to Indiana after a two day stop in Boerne, Tx, outside of San Antonio and then on to Arlington Texas to visit longtime friends Larry and Mary Jane Phillips.
We had some down time in Boerne since we had done the RiverWalk and The Alamo in San Antonio. I finally got my pizza craving satisfied at lunch on Wednesday. We had a nice barbeque dinner with the Discovery group on Wednesday night and said our "goodbyes" as we were splitting off to go to Arlington and they were going on to finish the Waltzing thru TexasRally. We had already done the last part of the trip so we chose to visit the Phillips. Had a great time but left there around 1pm today and came to Texarkana Arkansas for the night. We will put somemore miles behind us tomorrow and arrive in Indianapolis on Wednesday to help celebrate Ally's 40th on Thursday. Larry and Mary Jane had their grandson, Ryan, about 22 months old, for the weekend so we helped be grandparents. Larry and MJ had tickets for the Cowboys game and wanted to get 2 more so we could go but we chose to pass. Now if it had been they were playing the Steelers I WOULD have stayed.
Will add more later.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
LBJ Ranch and Luckenbach Texas 10-19-09
Donna & Mem at Luckenbach, Tx
Baby Sheep and Cows at LBJ Ranch
We had a great time on Mondy touring the ranch that belonged to LBJ, President of the United States, back in the 60's, which has been designated as a National Park. It is still somewhat of a working ranch with cattle. I was surprised at the size of the house though, as I guess since they say everything is bigger in Texas that I thought the home would be larger.
Then we stopped in Luckenbach Texas where there is a Post Office, Dance Hall, General Store/Post Office and a Bar. There are chickens roaming around outside and of course a lot of you know I don't like "feathered things with beaks" so I sat on the picnic table instead of the benches.
Today we are moving on down closer to San Antonio for a couple of days.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Thursday October 15,2009--- Sunday October 18,2009
We got up early on Thursday morning ( like 6 am) so that we could leave and enjoy all of the Big Bend National Park and Big Bend Ranch State Park. The scenery was breath taking but the ride as LONG. I think Larry said 350 miles round trip. You have to drive down to different things and then drive back the same way to get to something else.We went as far as you can go which is to the Rio Grande River and looked across to Mexico. The Chisos Mountain chain is most impressive . We had a picnic lunch because there is only one restaurant in the whole national park but we knew that ahead of time so we were prepared.
After lunch we headed on the drive thru the state park which proved to be very interesting, the road that is, if you are not careful you could get airborne over some of the hills and dips.
After stopping for ice cream and gas for the car we made our way back to Marfa so that we could stop at the Paisano Hotel, where some of the filming of the movie "Giant" was filmer. The hotel was built in 1930.
Arrived back at the Lost Alaskan RV Resort around 6:30 and were not too long getting ready to call it a day.
Friday found us just trying to regroup from the day before so not much was done.
Saturday morning we started leaving Alpine in groups of 3 or 4 traveling to Fredericksburg, Texas. Had a wonderful meal of "Axis Deer" which was great. Now I am not a lover of venison but I have to admit this was good and had I not know what it was I would have never known.
Today finds us again resting a little. Larry and I drove downtown and looked in a few shops but like the tee-shirt says "shopping with your husband is like hunting with the game warden". Tonight we all plan to go to a German restaurant for dinner.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
TEXAS 10-12,13,& 14, 2009
After an uneventful night in Roswell, N. M. we started our travels to west Texas. Let me tell you, there is nothing out here.
We arrived in Alpine Texas around 4pm on Monday, got set up in our campsites, oh did I forget to say IN THE RAIN.
Happy Hour started at 5 pm but we were a little late due set up and Larry needing a shower. We have 16 coaches and it was fun catching up with old friends and making new ones. A wonderful dinner of "beef brisket" and the fixings was served and then we all adjourned for a good nights sleep.
Breakfast consisted of sausage and pancakes cooked by Pete, Lonnie and Larry.
Laundry was the next thing on the adgena since I had not done in for 11 days as we were "dry camping" at the Balloon Festival.
Later in the day, the Tolsons and us headed to Fort Davis, Tx to the McDonald Observatory . We had a tour of the 107" Harlan J Smith and Hobby-Eberty research telescopes. After the tour we met some of the group at Ft. Davis State Park at the Indian Lodge for dinner. The lodge was built in the 1940's by the CCC.
After dinner we went back to the Observatory for the "Star Party" and what a party. They weren't sure if the clouds were going to allow us to see any stars but oh my did we ever. We got to view lots with telescopes and then had a talk on constellations and we saw lots of them. It was a late night but well worth the trip up the mountain.
Today was wash the "Big A Bus" day as it was awfully dirty. I sat and read a book and gave Larry lots of moral support while he worked. Tonight we are going to the little town of Marfa, where the movie Giant was filmed, and try to see the mysterious Marfa lights. Now for all you Georgia people that would be like "The Light" out at Spring Creek and Brinson, which we never saw but heard about all our lives so who knows we might get lucky tonight.
Tomorrow we are going to Big Bend National Park.
We arrived in Alpine Texas around 4pm on Monday, got set up in our campsites, oh did I forget to say IN THE RAIN.
Happy Hour started at 5 pm but we were a little late due set up and Larry needing a shower. We have 16 coaches and it was fun catching up with old friends and making new ones. A wonderful dinner of "beef brisket" and the fixings was served and then we all adjourned for a good nights sleep.
Breakfast consisted of sausage and pancakes cooked by Pete, Lonnie and Larry.
Laundry was the next thing on the adgena since I had not done in for 11 days as we were "dry camping" at the Balloon Festival.
Later in the day, the Tolsons and us headed to Fort Davis, Tx to the McDonald Observatory . We had a tour of the 107" Harlan J Smith and Hobby-Eberty research telescopes. After the tour we met some of the group at Ft. Davis State Park at the Indian Lodge for dinner. The lodge was built in the 1940's by the CCC.
After dinner we went back to the Observatory for the "Star Party" and what a party. They weren't sure if the clouds were going to allow us to see any stars but oh my did we ever. We got to view lots with telescopes and then had a talk on constellations and we saw lots of them. It was a late night but well worth the trip up the mountain.
Today was wash the "Big A Bus" day as it was awfully dirty. I sat and read a book and gave Larry lots of moral support while he worked. Tonight we are going to the little town of Marfa, where the movie Giant was filmed, and try to see the mysterious Marfa lights. Now for all you Georgia people that would be like "The Light" out at Spring Creek and Brinson, which we never saw but heard about all our lives so who knows we might get lucky tonight.
Tomorrow we are going to Big Bend National Park.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday Oct. 7-10 2009
Darth Veda
Things have been so busy and exciting around here that I have not had time to write. Thursday was the beginning of the Special Shapes Balloons, which there had been quite a controversy about since some of them had been in China for several months and could not get released but all worked out. Thursday morning was a great weather day and we actually walked down on the launch field to see how they get the balloons ready to fly. It is amazing to see how they put them together, how many people it takes to get it done. We had to move around several times in order for something to launch. Later that afternoon, Bill Chapel, the pilot of the Smoky Bear Balloon came over and spoke to our group about flying the balloons. He was very interesting and has had many experiences both good and bad. After he left we went over to the park for the Chasers Club dinner and the "RodeoGlo" which was the shaped balloons all lined up and when it was just dusk they turned on the burners and the "glo" was great. Fireworks are always a part of the nightly activities. We are able to sit in the motorhome and watch them.Friday was another beautiful morning for flying, in fact probably the best we had. After the mass ascension I went to a New Mexico Arts and Craft Show and just rested some .
Saturday morning was another good show and then Donna and I went to shop a little, lunch, and then a nap. Later in the afternoon the group got together for a short review of our time here and then everyone did whatever they wanted too. Larry and I had some dinner in the coach and then watched the fireworks.
Things have been cancelled for this morning, Sunday, due to wind so we will be packing up very soon and heading on to another destination in New Mexico and on to Texas tomorrow.
Hoping to post pictures on when we get WI FI
Saturday morning was another good show and then Donna and I went to shop a little, lunch, and then a nap. Later in the afternoon the group got together for a short review of our time here and then everyone did whatever they wanted too. Larry and I had some dinner in the coach and then watched the fireworks.
Things have been cancelled for this morning, Sunday, due to wind so we will be packing up very soon and heading on to another destination in New Mexico and on to Texas tomorrow.
Hoping to post pictures on when we get WI FI
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday 10-6-09---- Wednesday 10-7-09
Java Cafe where we had coffee and they were enjoying "a joint"
On Tuesday morning the conditions were just right for the launching of the balloons and I got up early enough to see the Dawn Patrol( the one balloon that goes up to check conditions) go up. After a great show from the balloons we then headed out for a day trip to Santa Fe by way of Madrid, where the movie Wild Hogs was filmed. This is a small town left over from the hippie days and they still smoke pot right out in public.
On to Santa Fe for lunch and then a trip to the Loretto Chapel which was built in 1873, to see the miraculous staircase. Seems the nuns prayed to Joseph, the carpenter saint, for someone to build them a staircase up to the choir loft and suddenly a gentleman showed up, built the staircase, then disappeared without so much as a word.
Then we checked out the street vendors and some of the group bought some jewelry and others did not.
Today, we woke up to rain, thunder and lightening so our trip to Ole Town was cancelled. After the weather improved Betty Raymond and I went to Ole Town anyway and then came back and decided to get our nails done. Larry spent most of the days napping and catching up on TV programs he had recorded on the DVR so we both had a good day. Went to dinner with the group and now are getting ready for bed so we can go over very very early to be on the field when the balloons start to go up, that is if the weather cooperates.
Pictures when we get wi-fi again.
On to Santa Fe for lunch and then a trip to the Loretto Chapel which was built in 1873, to see the miraculous staircase. Seems the nuns prayed to Joseph, the carpenter saint, for someone to build them a staircase up to the choir loft and suddenly a gentleman showed up, built the staircase, then disappeared without so much as a word.
Then we checked out the street vendors and some of the group bought some jewelry and others did not.
Today, we woke up to rain, thunder and lightening so our trip to Ole Town was cancelled. After the weather improved Betty Raymond and I went to Ole Town anyway and then came back and decided to get our nails done. Larry spent most of the days napping and catching up on TV programs he had recorded on the DVR so we both had a good day. Went to dinner with the group and now are getting ready for bed so we can go over very very early to be on the field when the balloons start to go up, that is if the weather cooperates.
Pictures when we get wi-fi again.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Monday Oct.5, 2009
This morning I was barely out of bed when Lar told me that the balloons were flying toward the motorhome from the back. I got on my socks, crocs, and jacket over my PJ's and outside I went. This was one of the clearest mornings we have had and it was great.
About 11 am we joined the group for a trip to Sandia Peak Tramway and an early lunch. The tramway was built between 1964-1966 and goes up 10,378 feet. The tram cars hold 50 people and we had a great view going up and I really didn't care on the way down as I did not want to look. It was very windy but until the wind gets to a certain point they do not close it down. Yesterday they did have to close it and it was very late when some people got back to the bottom. The ride up is 14 minutes and also the one down.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Saturday & Sunday 10-3 & 4-2009 New Mexico
Some of the above pictures are labeled and some not. I am still learning how to do this blog.
We have had a couple of good days to watch the Mass Ascension of the balloons. Yesterday (sat.) the wind sent them right over the coaches and today they went the other way. It is something to see.
Saturday afternoon we just sort of felt our way around the grounds but did have dinner at the Chasers Club, which is new this year, and then went to view the lift off the gas balloons which did not occur. The wind was more than they were willing to work with. The fireworks were nice but we came back and went to bed. Most of you know I am not an early riser so 6 am is EARLY. I got up again this morning to see them fly and by noon I was done. A nap was very helpful this afternoon and now we are just going to wait and see if the fireworks go according to schedule but I doubt it because of the wind.
More adventures are scheduled for Monday thru Wednesday and then on Thursday weather permitting the "special shapes" will fly. I am looking forward to seeing that.
Friday, October 2, 2009
OH WHAT A DAY!!!!!! 9-30-09 thru Oct 1st
Okay, I am thankful to be alive this morning (10-2-09) as the last two days have been an experience.
Wednesday morning we left Cortez, Co. heading to Dancing Eagle Casino outside of Albuquerque to meet up with others who would be going into Balloon Fest with us. Now we knew the night before from the weather forecast that it would be somewhat windy. Oh My!!! We had wind all day around 50-60mph with sand blowing too. Twice we had to pull off the side of the road and then we did find a school with a rather large parking lot. Duck Tape and Bungee Cords are RV's best friends. We had awnings coming loose, emergency windows blowing out, it was a tough day but by the grace of God we made it to the Casino after about 8 1/2 hours of driving 225 miles.Larry actually climbed on top of the "bus" on his hands and knees which about scared me to death but it had to be done. You know nothing can happen to him because I would be stuck in the middle of no where without a driver. I hugged him that night and told me what a great job he did. I knitted so much that day that my fingers were sore but thought I should keep my hands and mind busy so I would not talk and bother him while he was driving. Yes, I know it is very hard for ME NOT to talk.
When we got to the Dancing Eagle we meet up with the 5 other couples who are with us at the Festival then yesterday (Thursday) we traveled on to the Balloon Festival and meet all the group. We have 21 coaches now.
Got all settled for the next 10 days and when I got up this morning Larry comes to tell me there are balloons going up. I went outside in my PJ's and a jacket as it was cold and watched for a while.
Tomorrow is the offical start day so I just know it is going to be wonderful.
Wednesday morning we left Cortez, Co. heading to Dancing Eagle Casino outside of Albuquerque to meet up with others who would be going into Balloon Fest with us. Now we knew the night before from the weather forecast that it would be somewhat windy. Oh My!!! We had wind all day around 50-60mph with sand blowing too. Twice we had to pull off the side of the road and then we did find a school with a rather large parking lot. Duck Tape and Bungee Cords are RV's best friends. We had awnings coming loose, emergency windows blowing out, it was a tough day but by the grace of God we made it to the Casino after about 8 1/2 hours of driving 225 miles.Larry actually climbed on top of the "bus" on his hands and knees which about scared me to death but it had to be done. You know nothing can happen to him because I would be stuck in the middle of no where without a driver. I hugged him that night and told me what a great job he did. I knitted so much that day that my fingers were sore but thought I should keep my hands and mind busy so I would not talk and bother him while he was driving. Yes, I know it is very hard for ME NOT to talk.
When we got to the Dancing Eagle we meet up with the 5 other couples who are with us at the Festival then yesterday (Thursday) we traveled on to the Balloon Festival and meet all the group. We have 21 coaches now.
Got all settled for the next 10 days and when I got up this morning Larry comes to tell me there are balloons going up. I went outside in my PJ's and a jacket as it was cold and watched for a while.
Tomorrow is the offical start day so I just know it is going to be wonderful.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tuesday 9-29-09
Four Corners 
Thought I had better do this tonight as don't know when we will have wi-fi again. Hopefully we will have good cell coverage for the next couple of weeks so I can use the cradle point with the cell phone.
Today Larry and I went to the Four Corners Monument. Everyone says it isn't that much to see but for us we felt since we were here we wanted to say we had done it. After that we went to Mesa Verde National Park to see the cliff dwellings and the beautiful colors.
I told Larry when we got back that my brain had about absorbed all it could for a while. There is no way you can see and do everything in one trip out here. Bill Dorris that comment was for you so we have to come back together.
Tomorrow is a travel day of about 225 miles so I will add to this when I can.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Saturday, Sunday, & Monday 9-26-28-2009
We have had a another wonderful 3 days in Colorado. I think that most of you know that Saturday was the "down day" to do laundry, clean and rest. We did go 'Uptown" Silverton for a little lunch, which consisted of halfing a sandwich so that we could have peach cobbler.
I took some of the jewerly that Charlotte Amaya had brought me from Arizonia lots of years ago and was blown away at the value of it. Needless to say now I am afraid to wear it for fear of losing it but I am going to wear it anyway.
Sunday we drove into Durango with 3 other couples to catch the train back to Silverton. It is the old fashion steam train that Larry told Noah was 125 years old. Noah said, Papa that is older than you. What beautiful views we had from that train. There is just no way to describe to you what this State of Colorado looks like.After we arrived back in Silverton, Pete drove the guys back to Durango to pickup the two cars we left over there.
Monday found us traveling on to Cortez Colorado including a stop at Wal Mart. This is the last one we will hit before arrive at the Balloon Festival.
Arrived at the campground, got settled and just visited outside with each other since the weather here was great for sitting outside.
Larry is now installing a CB Radio for the Coopers .
Tomorrow Larry and I are going to 4 Corners so we can say we have been there and I think then we might try and hit Mesa Verde National Park for a while.
I took some of the jewerly that Charlotte Amaya had brought me from Arizonia lots of years ago and was blown away at the value of it. Needless to say now I am afraid to wear it for fear of losing it but I am going to wear it anyway.
Sunday we drove into Durango with 3 other couples to catch the train back to Silverton. It is the old fashion steam train that Larry told Noah was 125 years old. Noah said, Papa that is older than you. What beautiful views we had from that train. There is just no way to describe to you what this State of Colorado looks like.After we arrived back in Silverton, Pete drove the guys back to Durango to pickup the two cars we left over there.
Monday found us traveling on to Cortez Colorado including a stop at Wal Mart. This is the last one we will hit before arrive at the Balloon Festival.
Arrived at the campground, got settled and just visited outside with each other since the weather here was great for sitting outside.
Larry is now installing a CB Radio for the Coopers .
Tomorrow Larry and I are going to 4 Corners so we can say we have been there and I think then we might try and hit Mesa Verde National Park for a while.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday 9-22-09------Friday 9-25-09 Colorado
Avalance Shelter
Museum in Telluride
We left Lake City on Tuesday morning heading to Ouray, Colorado by way of the WalMart in Montrose and the True Grit Cafe in Ridgeway. The movie True Grit starring John Wayne was filmed in Ridgeway. We had a great lunch and then traveled into Ouray.
Wednesday Jim & Nan Cooper and Larry and I went to Telluride. I have heard so much about it that I wanted to be able to say we had been there. We visited a museum which was the towns hospital from 1888-1964. The first bank that Butch Cassidy ever robbed was in Telluride. We took a gondola ride up to the Mountain Village and had lunch. The gondola was opened in 1996.
Some of our group did some more off road jeeping and had some problems with the trails, which made me even more thankful that I did not go.
Thursday, Larry and I took a day trip to the Black Caynon National Park over between Montrose and Gunnison. The park is the Colorado version of the Grand Caynon. The Gunnison River is what created the caynon. Water is a powerful force.
Friday morning we geared up for the 23 mile trip from Ouray to Silverton by way of Red Mountain Pass, 11018 feet. on the Million Dollar Highway. Talk about white knuckles. Larry did a great job of driving but it was not confortable at all. We met 2 semi trucks plus a lot of cars. The road is very narrow and lots of time no guard rails on either side. I am very glad that trip is over. I saw my first avalance shelter and lots of old mines.
Tomorrow, Saturday is going to be a down day for us. Some of the group is going jeeping again. I am going to do a little shopping as well.
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